Patients speak about prostate cancer and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
Gene Dongieux, New Orleans, Louisiana
I'm 70 years old. I have a 37-year old wife and six children ranging in age from 47 to 3 years. I have a lot to live for.
My prostate aggravated me every night of my life and eventually scared the hell out of me. I write this after prostate removal. I'd like to share with you how I handled my prostate cancer with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and how I am now enjoying life and feeling better than I have for years.
Over a 10-year period, I learned what to do about prostate problems and took Saw Palmetto and Proscar and stumbled to the bathroom several times a night: no pain, but not much sleep. When my PSA prostate specific antigen test shot up, I had a prostate biopsy and realized I had prostate cancer. The prostate biopsy indicated a high-grade, aggressive prostate cancer, which demanded immediate attention. My procrastination had rendered me in a life threatening situation.
First, I visited an alternative medicine physician, and through nutritional and other prostate cancer supplements, I was able to reduce my PSA to 4 ng/ml, but these supplements are not prostate cancer cures and really did not raise my hopes at all, or give me any peace of mind.
As I investigated my treatment alternatives, I decided to go the route of hormone treatment combined with external beam radiation treatment and prostate brachytherapy radiation seed implants. This treatment included a three-month Lupron shot, daily hormone treatment for a month prior to radiation, then small amounts of external beam radiation treatments daily for six weeks, then radiation seed therapy, followed by hormone treatment for another year. I was determined to (1) stay alive, (2) have normal urinary function, and (3) perform normal sexually, in that order.
I scheduled the radiation, started my hormone shot, and pills, rescheduled my patients, arranged for an apartment in Florida where I decided to get my treatments, and noticed daily the strange effects of hormone therapy. I had spent most of my 70 years trying to prove that I was a man: flying jets, riding motorcycles, racing open wheel Formula Fords, running marathons. Now this medication began to make me feel like a female going through menopause, which was a real bummer to me.
One week before I was to go for my six-week daily external beam radiation, my wife saw Dr. Krongrad on TV being interviewed by Pat Robertson, discussing Mr. Robertson's recent laparoscopic prostate surgery. My wife was so excited, she called me right away at the office, and the next thing I knew was in Dr. Krongrad's office scheduling my laparoscopic prostate cancer surgery.
I was operated on the Friday before Easter and stayed in the hospital one night. The next morning, I was ready to go back home. I drove from Miami to Tallahassee that Saturday and on into New Orleans the next day in time to be the Easter Bunny for my 3 and 10- year old children - two days after my LRP! I saw patients the following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and flew to Hawaii the next week to attend an Orthodontic Conference. It was as if nothing had happened to me.
I can't say enough about Dr. Krongrad's technique, talent, and care. I couldn't be happier that I chose laparoscopic surgery, and I can only say that I honor and respect him and his staff for literally saving my life. And . they did it with confidence and ease, and all I can say is that I am one happy and satisfied patient.
Dr. K is the Master of Planet Prostate.