Patients speak about prostate cancer and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy

Bjorn Svensen, Miami, FL
In honor of my double lifesaver Dr. Arnon Krongrad, I would like to share the fact that he now has saved my life twice from cancer. First time I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2001, Dr. Krongrad recommended removal of one testicle followed by radiation. I have been following up this situation with him twice a year. So far so good and I have been classified as cancer free. My PSA has in the few last years been increasing slowly and after my 4th biopsy I was diagnosed with a very early stage of prostate cancer. I am now 62 years and I am hoping for many more happy cancer-free years to come. Not any “wait and watch” for me! One week ago Dr. Krongrad removed my prostate. No pain, no painkillers and tomorrow I will return to my job in the cruise industry.
I am originally from Norway and according to Dr. Krongrad the Scandinavians are high on the statistic for prostate trouble. I will highly recommend my double lifesaver to my friends over there. Maybe they should set up a charter plane!
Thank you Dr. Krongrad.